Add Chapters

You can add chapters at any time by selecting  Chapters  in the navigation panel and then clicking on the  New  button in the toolbar. But it is probably more natural to create them when you’ve got one or more scenes looking for a home.

Attach to a chapter:

With your first scene open click on the  Attach  button in the toolbar. A dialog will appear where you can enter a name for the new chapter.

Click  Attach  to attach the scene to this new chapter. What you’ll see next looks like this:

Several things have happened.

  • The typing area has been replaced by a small panel containing a variety of details. This pane is your first sight of Writing Shed’s  card index feature 

  • An entry for the chapter has appeared in the  Chapters  area of the Navigation panel. The number 1 indicates that it contains one scene. Clicking on the arrow next to it will expand the chapter to show a list of scenes in the chapter.

  • The entry for the scene in the  Scenes  area has been replaced by the name of the new chapter. The number 1 indicates that it contains one scene. Clicking on the arrow next to it will expand the it to show a list of scenes in the chapter.

If you expand the chapter in the Scenes area you will see your first scene. Clicking on it will display the typing area again along with the scene’s content.

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